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Sad story "When Love Not Spoken"

Good Luck

Sad Story Of a brother struggle

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Monday, September 7, 2015

"Sad Story Of a brother struggle"

"Sad story of a brother struggle". Sharma Recommend I am a little girl who was born in a remote village, work every day my parents are with the driver. I also have a brother named David, he's a different sister 3-year-old me. This story and the story of my sister who may be sad and touching for me.

One day I want to buy shoes, because the shoes were old already looks torn. So at that time I stole my father's money in the drawer. But apparently my dad already knew. The father also asked me too brother ikhsan "Who stole the money the father?" his voice loud and full of emotion. But I was silent and afraid to speak, because neither of the two of us would talk eventually father said, "Well! Because you do not want to admit that there are two of you must be punished!" Suddenly the father's sister's hand and said, "Dad, I am the father who has stolen money" He did it just for me. Middle of the night I cried, but my brother wiped my tears and said, "Sister, do not cry anymore, everything has happened" At that moment I will never forget the expression sister while protecting me. That year I was 8 years old and my brother was 11, but that incident I can not forget.

When I received at school SMA Negeri, at the same time my brother also accepted for admission in renowned public university. That night when my father sitting in the yard, I heard talk father and mother "Mother Our children have very good results" said the father. And at that moment she came tears in his eyes and said, "But what is the point, not can we afford both?" Mothers with crying hoarse voice. At that moment my brother walked out and stood in front of my father and mother and said "Dad, I will not go to school anymore, I've graduated from high school, and I just want to work". But it looks like Dad looks angry and said, "Why do you have a lax attitude, then I will pay for you two even have to beg in the streets" and then my father would go to borrow money home to relatives and neighbors. then I came and gently touched my brother's face, and I said to her "Boys have to continue their education. If not, brother will not be able to overcome poverty we experience" said I with tears. On the other hand, I have decided not to continue school in SMA.

Nobody knew the next day before dawn, my brother left the house by leaving a note on the pillow "Brother, go to SMA country is not easy. With a high school diploma is sister would go find a job and sister will send the money to you" I was clutching paper The above my bed and cried myself to sleep.

With the money earned by borrowing father to relatives and neighbors also of the money generated from the brother who works as a cement carrier. Finally I graduated and can go to the State University once my brother wanted. That year I was 19 and my brother 22 years old.

One day I was studying in a boarding room, and then my friend came and told "there was a like a beggar looking for you out there" Why is there a beggar looking for me? out of curiosity I came out, and visible from afar looks someone who disekujur her body was covered in cement dust and dirt that turned out he was my brother. "I was asked why did not you tell my friend that you are my brother?" He replied with a smile "look how I look, what would they think if you were my brother? Do they not laugh?"

I was very touched, and tears filled my eyes. I sweep the dirt and dust from the body of my brother. And I said to her in a hoarse voice, "I do not care what people will say! You are my brother whatever your appearance" From Her bag, he pulled out a laptop. He gave it to me and said, "brother saw all the people who attend the University's wearing them. I think you should also have an" I can not help myself anymore. I pulled my brother into my arms and cried. I know the price of the laptop is very expensive, and he was willing to save the cost of his life just for me. That year, I was 20 years old, my brother was 23 years old.


After I got married, I lived in the city. my husband and I invited my parents to come and live with us, but they do not want. They said that when they left the village, they will not know what to do in the city. my brother did not agree with me. He said, "Brother, you take care of her husband and in-laws alone. I'll take care of Mom and Dad here"

My husband had just been named director diperusahaannya. We ask my sister to want to accept the offer to be a manager in the maintenance department. But the sister turned down the offer. He insisted on working as a carrier semen.Suatu day, my sister very much affected by the pile of cement, wound severe enough to be sent to hospital. My husband and I visited him in the hospital. See cuts all over his body, I grumbled, "Why did you refuse the offer to be a manager? Manager will not do anything heavy like that. Now look at yourself, you suffered a serious injury. Why do not you listen to us !?" With a serious expression on his face , he defended his decision, "I think of sister-in-law, he had been in the lift so the director. If I, uneducated would be a manager, what kind of news will be delivered?" My husband's eyes were filled with tears, and then I said, "But lack of education was because of me!" And my brother simply replied "Why do you talk about the past?" While later he held my hand. That year, he was 29 years old and I am 26 years old. And a few days in the hospital my brother finally died. for a month, almost every day I wept.

Now I was at the peak of kejayaanku. In a seminar, the emcee asked me "Who is the person you respect and love?" Even without taking time to think, I replied, "My sister" I went on to tell a story I always remember. "When I was in elementary school, the school was located in a different village. Every day, my sister and I walked for two hours to schools back home. One day, I lost one of my shoes. My brother gave me his shoe. He only wearing one shoe mine, and he had to walk away. When we arrived home, his legs so trembling with suppressed pain. From that day on, I swore that as long as I live, I will remember my brother and will always be good to her, she who has made me successful like this. But now, my brother was dead "Applause filled up the room. All the guests turned their attention to me. I find it hard to talk but I continued, "In all my life, I want to just say thank you for the most in the sister I" croaked in front of a crowd, do not feel the tears rolling down my face again.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Sad story "When Love Not Spoken"

Natalie has a boyfriend, His name is Bryan. Natalie has long been friends with Bryan, last year, when they went to a school trip. Natalie began to realize that he fell in love with Bryan. Before the trip was over, Natalie take steps to declare her love for Bryan. And Bryan was willing to accept it, they became lovers, but the way they love each other a little bit different. Natalie has always concentrated on self Bryan and very loving personality, but on the other hand, Bryan never thought Natalie exist. For Natalie, Bryan was the only man she loved, but for Bryan, maybe a girlfriend Natalie as a backup only. "Bryan, do you want to go to the movies?" Asked Natalie.

"I can not" said Bryan

"Why, are you busy?" Natalie feeling disappointed.

"No ... I'm going to meet a friend," replied Bryan. Bryan always like that. Bryan often met the girl in front of the eyes of Natalie, Natalie regarded as nothing. For him, the only girlfriend Natalie savings alone. "The word 'love' is just out of my mouth. Since I knew him, I never heard him say 'I Love You' to me. He never said anything of the first day we go out. Every day, he just gave I a puppet, each day. I do not know why? " Natalie with a questioning in hatinya.Kemudian one day ...

Natalie: "emm .. Bryan, I .."

Bryan: "What?"

Natalie: "I love you."

Bryan: (only give a doll and then return). That's how Bryan neglect Natalie. there was no word and Bryan just give the doll. Then he goes, as being dodged. Natalie received the doll from Bryan almost every day, until the room filled with dolls room Natalie Bryan administration.

Then one day came, the 15th anniversary of the 19-year-old Natalie. When Natalie got up in the morning, Natalie always pictured celebrating his birthday alone with Bryan the garden full of flowers. Natalie was waiting for Bryan to call him. But ... lunch passed, the night passed. and the sky was already dark. Bryan has not phoned Natalie to Natalie asleep. Then around 2 am today, suddenly Bryan phoned Natalie to awaken. He told Natalie to leave the house. And Natalie was greeted with joy, Natalie continues to imagine the wonderful things he always imagined.

Natalie: "Bryan ..?"

Bryan: "Come here take this ..." Again, she gave Natalie a little doll.

Natalie: "What is this?"

Bryan: "Yesterday I forgot to give you the same, so I gave it right now. I'm going home now, bye .."

Natalie: "Wait, wait! Do you know what day is this?"

Bryan: "Today? I do not know"
Natalie felt very sad, Natalie thought Bryan would remember his birthday. Bryan turned around and went like nothing happened. Natalie then shout: "Wait ... !!"

Bryan: "What do you want to say something?"

Natalie: "Tell me, tell me you love me."

Bryan: "What?"

Natalie: "Tell me!" (Natalie hugging Bryan from behind). hope, Bryan could tell that he loves Natalie. But the cold fact Bryan just talk. "I do not want to say it, if you're disappointed to hear, please look for my successor" Then Bryan away. Natalie heard the cry and fell to the ground. "why Bryan can not say love me, How can he be? I feel that he probably is not the right man for me." Natalie cries

After that day, Natalie silence alone at home crying, just crying. but Bryan still can not say love to Natalie. Bryan just kept giving little doll every morning and put it on the outside of the house Natalie. Until the dolls were piled in a room Natalie.

After a month passed, Natalie started school again. But what is seen Natalie really painful, Natalie saw Bryan street with another girl. Natalie ran and returned to the house and saw the dolls in her room, crying Natalie said, "Why did he give these dolls to me, What dolls are given also with another girl?" in anger Natalie throwing the doll. Then suddenly, the phone rang, which turned out to Bryan. Bryan told Natalie to come to the bus stop outside the house Natalie. Natalie tried to calm down and go to the bus stop. Natalie kept promising himself that he would forget about Bryan, and ask for broke. Then Bryan came before Natalie, holding a large doll.

Bryan: "Natalie, I think you're angry, but you really come" (thrusting a big doll)

Natalie: "I do not need it."

Bryan: "why?"

Then natalie took the doll from his hands and threw it on the road.

Bryan: "I do not need this doll, I do not need it anymore! I do not want to see people like you anymore!".

But unlike other days, Bryan voice very shaky. "I'm sorry" Bryan apologized in a small voice. Bryan then tried to take the doll on the road.

Natalie: "You idiot! Why did you take the doll?"

But Bryan neglect Natalie and take the doll. Then ... "Peeep .... Peeep ... !!!" With a loud honk, a big truck was heading towards Bryan.

"Bryan! Go! Get away!" Cried Natalie.

But do not listen to Natalie Bryan, Bryan squatting and taking the doll. "Boom!" The voice, so terrible. That's how Bryan left Natalie. That's how Bryan goes without opening his eyes to say the word love with Natalie.

After that day, Natalie had to go through life with its own covered so profound sadness And after spending two months like crazy, Natalie take one doll ever given Bryan. "Only these dolls my memories with you, I remember the days I spent with him, when we're in love" Natalie racau like crazy.

"One ... two ... three ..." Natalie started counting dolls. "Four hundred and eighty-five puppet" It all ended with 485 dolls. Natalie then began to cry again, with a doll in her arms, Natalie clung to the doll, then suddenly ... "I love you ~ I love you ~" Natalie was shocked, then dropped the doll, then Natalie take the doll back and pressing his stomach. "I love you ~ I love you ~"

"I love you ~" "I love you ~" "I love you ~" The words came out of the doll's relentless. I ... love you ... "Why I did not realize that his heart is always at my side, protecting me. Why did not I realize that he love me this much?"

Natalie then take the doll under the bed and pressed his stomach, it was the last doll, the one that fell on the road, with blood stains on it. and the voice that came out of that big doll.

"Natalie ... Do you know what today is? We've loved each other for 486 days. Do you know what 486? I can not say I love you .. because I was too shy ... If you forgive me and take this doll I will say that I love you ... everyday ... till I die ... Natalie ... I love you ... "

The tears came pouring out of the two eyes of Natalie. "Why? Why? I asked God, why do I have to know all this now? He could not be at my side, but he loved her until the last minute ..." Natalie tearful